Hi, I'm Alexa!
Welcome to PATHS of HEALING.
I am a New York based Certified Reiki 2nd Degree Practitioner in the Reiki USUI SYSTEM of Natural Healing. Trained at NYC Reiki Center and initiated in the Usui System of Natural Healing by Reiki Master Brian Brunius, who was initiated by Reiki Master John Gray.
My Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Lineage:
* Reiki Master Dr. Mikao Usui
* Reiki Master Dr. Chujiro Hayashi
* Reiki Master Hawayo Takata
* Reiki Master John Gray
* Reiki Master Brian Brunius
In addition, I am also a born intuitive clairvoyant medium and use my natural abilities as an Intuitive Guidance Tarot/Oracle reader. I attended The Arthur Findlay College for Advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences
*Coursework: Soul Readings with Angie Morris
"Just for today don't be angry, don't worry, be grateful, work diligently and be kind to people"
Mikao Usui (1864-1926)
Reiki & Intuitive Guidance Reading Services

Reiki Sessions Available:
FULL Body Reiki
1.5 hrs/$150
PARTIAL Reiki Session
Front or Back Only
$90 for 1hr Session
* Long Distance Reiki $90
* Therapeutic Reiki $180